How to Pass IELTS Writing Successfully

Are you planning to study in an English-speaking country, work in an international company, or emigrate to a better life? Perhaps you want to confirm your knowledge of English at the world level. For these purposes, one of the main international exams in English –the IELTS – is perfect. Many students want to know how to pass IELTS writing tests.

How to Pass IELTS Writing

Of course, it is best to prepare for the test with professional specialists who know all the details of the IELTS exam and will help you pass it with the best result. And if you feel confident enough and know English well, then you can try to prepare yourself. To do this, you will need to learn as much as possible about the exam, acquire the best textbooks, and study online on sites with interactive tests.

How to Prepare for Writing Test in IELTS

IELTS was developed by the English Department of Cambridge University and the British Council 30 years ago. Today, about 3 million people worldwide take the test every year. The maximum score is 9.0 – native speaker level. However, to enroll in foreign universities or work in English-speaking countries, such a high level is not required. As a rule, a score from 7.0–7.5 is sufficient for these purposes.

If you want to know how to prepare for writing test in IELTS, you should keep in mind that this certificate is accepted all over the world, but it is valid for only two years. Therefore, if you need it for a specific purpose, you should not take it in advance. The exam consists of four parts, each of which tests your knowledge of one of the four basic language skills. It is important to prepare for each of them and pay special attention to the skills that are the most difficult for you.

  • Listening. You need to listen to two dialogues and two monologues. You will answer 40 questions after listening.
  • Reading. Here, you need to read several texts on various topics and answer 40 questions.
  • Writing. In this section of IELTS, you need to write two texts: an essay on a given topic, and a letter. And in the case of passing the IELTS Academic for admission to a foreign university, instead of writing, it will be an analysis or description of the information presented on a graph, chart, or table.
  • Speaking. Communication skills in English are tested during a conversation with the examiner. You will tell about yourself, then talk for two minutes on a given topic and answer questions on it.

Tips to Pass IELTS Writing Test

Numerous sites with interactive tests, tips to pass IELTS writing test, and life hacks will help prepare you to successfully pass the test. Here are the best ones.

    • is an official exam site. You will find information about the IELTS, as well as certified centers where you can take it. The site also has questions from previous years for each section of the test in text and audio format with an answer key.
    • Take IELTS from the British Council will help determine which exam you should choose, prepare for it, find certified training courses and, of course, practice with the help of test examples.
    • Exam English has the most detailed information about the exam, tips, links to books, mobile training applications, a dictionary, and many interactive tests with the correct answers.
    • How to Do IELTS is the site of former IELTS examiner David Lang, who shares first-hand knowledge. David invites you to read his blog with lots of useful information. In addition, you can subscribe to his accounts on social networks, join a closed group on Facebook, or subscribe to an email newsletter and regularly receive new tasks, tests, and tips.
    • IELTS Liz is a site created by an experienced IELTS instructor where you can find tips and practical exercises, standard exam questions and answers, dictionaries, books, and links to other useful training resources.

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